Although you may feel like your needs are not important anymore or may even feel guilty that you can enjoy things that your loved one can’t right now, taking time to recharge can help you be a better caregiver. You may want to think about:

  • Finding nice things you can do for yourself–even just a few minutes can help
  • Cutting back on personal activities, rather than cutting them out entirely
  • Finding things others can do or arrange for you, such as appointments or errands
  • Looking for easy ways to connect with friends

Ways to Nurture Yourself

Giving yourself an outlet for your own thoughts and feelings is important. Think about what would help lift your spirits. Perhaps talking with someone would help ease your stress or some quiet time alone taking a walk, writing in a journal or watching a movie. Try and find some time to yourself. Caregivers say that even a few minutes a day without interruptions helps them to cope and focus.

If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of others. It’s important for everyone that you give care to you.

Learn More About Cancer                                   

Sometimes understanding your loved one’s medical situation can make you feel more confident and in control. It may be helpful to know what to expect during treatment, as well as the side effects that will result.

Changing Roles


  • Your spouse or partner may feel comfortable with only you taking care of him.
  • Your parent may have a hard time accepting help from you (her adult child) since they always used to care for you.
  • Your adult child with cancer may not want to rely on their parents for care.
  • You may have health problems yourself, making it hard physically and emotionally to take care of someone else.

Whatever your roles are now, accepting the changes may be tough. It’s very common to feel confused and stressed at this time.

It’s OK to Ask for Help.

When tough things happen, many people tend to pull away. But things can get harder as the patient goes through treatment. Remember that getting help for yourself can also help your loved one because you will stay healthier, your loved one may feel less guilty about all the things that you’re doing and some of your helpers may even offer time and skills that you don’t have.

Be Prepared for Some People to Say No

Sometimes people may not be able to help and this may make you feel hurt. It may be especially hard coming from people that you expected help from. Just try and remember that some people may be coping with their own problems or may have a lack of time. Many are afraid of cancer or may have already had a bad experience with cancer. They don’t want to get involved and feel pain all over again. Some people believe it’s best to keep a distance when people are struggling.

If someone isn’t giving you the help you need, you may want to talk to them and explain your needs.